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Photo of Ivan Hurtado-Lorenzo Colombia

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Ivan Hurtado-Lorenzo, born in Bogota - Colombia on December 11, 1970 E-Mail: ihurtadol@hotmail.com

EDUCATION - School of Arts and Humanities / Fine Arts / Bogota DC

- Cooperartes - Workshop Hemlock / Engraving / Teacher Margarita Monsalve / Bogota DC

- Biblioteca Luis Angel Arango / Seminar: Shapes and Body in Painting. Intertextuality / Pere Salabert / Bogota DC

- National Salon of...

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39.37 x 59.06 in
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37.40 x 47.24 in
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Ivan Hurtado-Lorenzo, born in Bogota - Colombia on December 11, 1970 E-Mail: ihurtadol@hotmail.com

EDUCATION - School of Arts and Humanities / Fine Arts / Bogota DC

- Cooperartes - Workshop Hemlock / Engraving / Teacher Margarita Monsalve / Bogota DC

- Biblioteca Luis Angel Arango / Seminar: Shapes and Body in Painting. Intertextuality / Pere Salabert / Bogota DC

- National Salon of Artists / Theoretical Symposium "Memory and Identity" Places for the End of the Century Art / Bogota DC

- Museum of Museums Colsubsidio / Course - Seminar: Overview of Universal Painting (from the Palaeolithic to the Twentieth Century)

- Museum of Museums Colsubsidio / Course: Civilizations of Mesoamerica / Bogota DC

- Bank of the Republic - Bogota Chamber of Commerce Workshop / Creative / Maestro Victor Laignelet / Zipaquira - Cundinamarca

- Pontifícia Universidad Javeriana - Museo de Arte Moderno de Bogotá (MAMBO) / Workshop: Video Art in Latin America / Bogota DC


- Selected Hispanic Heritage Month / International Immigrants Foundation / New York City / 2009

- Selected to the Hall in August 2006 Contemporádeo Art Museum of Bogota / Bogota DC / 2006

- Selected 3 National Art Exhibition, DIVERSITY / Gallery House Square / Bogotá DC 2004

- Second Place / VII Regional Chamber / Chamber of Commerce of Bogotá (home Zipaquirá) / 2004

- Second Place / VI Regional Chamber / Chamber of Commerce of Bogotá (home Zipaquirá) / 2003

- Selected First International Exhibition of Local Arts / Group Admission Free - Virgilio Barco Library / 2003

- Jury Prize at the Third Meeting of the Fine Arts Department / Casa de la Cultura Nemocón - 2002

- Honorable Mention / Second Meeting with the Fine Arts Department / Casa de la Cultura Nemocón - 2001

- Selected First National Competition of Painting and Sculpture / Art Express Corporation - 1998

- Selected National Painting II / Bank Livestock - 1994


- JOURNAL Depaz / Journal of the Institute for Democracy Studies, Peace and Coexistence in Colombia "Depaz" - Volume I, Volume I - No. 1, Year 2000 / Giro Editors / Bogota DC

- PAN Magazine (Issue 4) / Publication Institutional School of Arts and Letters - semi-annual edition - May 2007 / Bogotá DC

- DIEZDEDOS Magazine (No. 25) / Muñoz Vargas Brothers Publishers - July. August 2008 / Cartagena de Indias

- Journal of the Universidad del Rosario (Colegio Mayor de Nuestra Senora del Rosario) - Issue 601, volume 105 / Year 2010 / Bogotá DC - Colombia


- Collection of Visual Arts Museum and Space Táchira State "Mavet" / San Cristobal - Venezuela.

- Collection of Old Governors House / Merida - Venezuela

- Art Gallery Collection FENALCO / Bogotá DC - Colombia


Teaching Chair in History of Art "in the career management and television production. Bogota Polytechnic. - Bogotá / Colombia

Teaching Chair "Drawing Anatomy" in racing Graphic Design and Advertising Design. / School of Arts and Letters - Bogotá DC - Colombia

Curator of the Art Exhibition Titled AL-EYE / House of Culture of Soacha - Cundinamarca / Colombia


- 2008 / Espitia Gallery / Cartagena de Indias - Colombia

- 2002 / Universidad del Rosario / Bogota DC

- 2001 / Centre for Aeronautical Studies - CEA - Aeronáutica Civil de Colombia / Bogota DC


FONT-FAMILY: Wingdings; mso-bidi-font-weight: bold; mso-Fareast-font-family: Wingdings; mso-bidi-font-family: Wingdings "> - 2010 / Gallery House Square / Bogotá DC

- 2010 / Museum of Contemporary Art - MAC / Bogotá DC

36.0pt "> - 2009 / International Immigrants Foundation / New York City

- 2008 / Art & Eros / Museum of Contemporary Art / Bogotá DC

- 2008 / Biblioteca Virgilio Barco / Bogotá DC

- 2008 / Convenio Andres Bello / Bogotá DC

- 2008 / Library The Manuel Zapata Olivella Tintal / Bogotá DC

- 2008 / Espitia Gallery / Cartagena de Indias

- 2007 / Art Gallery FENALCO / Bogotá DC

- 2007 / Gallery Imanarte + Camilo Tovar / Bogotá DC

- 2007 / Address Space (installation) in the AXIS ENVIRONMENTAL Work "PEZ-WAX" / Bogotá DC

- 2006 / August Exhibition - Museum of Contemporary Art / Bogotá DC

- 2006 / Galeria Carrion Vivar / Bogotá.DC

- 2006 / Gallery Pen / Bogotá DC

- 2006 / Embassy of Cuba / Bogotá DC

- 2006 / Gallery INSULA (territory for art) / Bogotá DC

- 2006 / House Founder / Tunja-Boyacá - Colombia

- 2006 / II Encuentro Balcony is Art / balconies Zipaquirá and Chamber of Commerce of Bogotá / Zipaquirá-Cundinamarca - Colombia

- 2006 / Universidad de La Salle / Bogotá DC

- 2005 / III Biennial, Colombia Queer Erotic Art / Gallery Imanarte / Bogotá DC

- 2005 / Auction, Homage to Palenqueras / Gallery Carrión Vivar / Bogotá DC

- 2005 / I International Biennial / Cajicá - Cundinamarca

- 2005 / VIII Regional Meeting of Art / Zipaquirá - Cundinamarca

- 2005 / Young Artists Foundation Colombia / Bogotá DC

- 2004 / 3 National Art Exhibition - DIVERSITY / Gallery House Square / Bogotá DC

- 2004 / Gallery Carrión Vivar / Bogotá DC

- 2004 / Gallery Pen / Bogotá DC

- 2004 / VII Meeting with Regional Arts / Chamber of Commerce of Bogotá (home Zipaquirá)

- 2003 / First International Exhibition of Local Arts / Public Library Virgilio Barco / Bogotá DC

- 2003 / House of Culture of Soacha - Cundinamarca

- 2003 / IV Regional Chamber / Chamber of Commerce of Bogotá (home Zipaquirá)

- 2002 / Museo de Caracas / Caracas - Venezuela.

- 2002 / Gallery House Square / Bogota DC

- 2002 / Casa de la Cultura Municipal / Zipaquira - C / brand.

- 2001 / House of the Old Governors / Centro Cultural Tulio Febres Cordero / Mérida - Venezuela.

- 2001 / Ateneo JESUS ??SOTO / Tovar - Venezuela.

- 2001 / II Meeting Departmental Fine Arts / Cultural Center Nemocón House - C / brand.

- 2001 / Chamber of Commerce of Bogota (home Zipaquira)

- 2000 / Visual Arts Museum and Space Táchira State "Mavet" / San Cristobal - Venezuela.

- 2000 / First Meeting with the Arts Department - Visual / Cultural Center Nemocón House - C / brand.

- 2000 / Chamber of Commerce of Bogota (home Zipaquira)

- 2000 / Palacio San Francisco / Bogota DC

- 2000 / Art Gallery Policarpa Salavarrieta / Cundinamarca / Bogota DC

- 1999 / Art Gallery Policarpa Salavarrieta / Cundinamarca / Bogota DC

- 1999 / House of Culture Zipaquira - C / brand.

- 1999 / Chamber of Commerce of Bogota (home Zipaquira)

- 1998 / First National Competition of Painting and Sculpture / Art Express Corporation / Centro Andino / Bogota DC

- 1998 / House of Culture Cajicá - C / brand.

- 1996 / House of Culture Pacho - C / brand.

- 1995 / I Hall Art by Nature / Cultural Center Andromeda - SENA / Bogota DC

- 1995 / Cooperartes / Bogota DC

- 1994 / II National Painting / Bank Livestock / Bogota DC

- 1993 / WILLIAM QUEVEDO Museum Zipaquira Z.

- 1992/93/94/95 / City Council Chamber Pacho - C / brand.

- 1992 / Art Gallery-ICFES / Bogota DC

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